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Hypnotherapy: What is is useful for?


Hypnotherapy may help with:

Feelings of anxiety or sadness and low mood 

Managing pain

Sleep issues

Weight management issues

Pregnancy and Childbirth 

Smoking Cessation 

Helping you manage significant health challenges - I specialise in helping people cope with their cancer diagnosis and treatment. It is important to state that hypnotherapy does not cure cancer and is not an alternative to the care and treatment of specialist doctors and nurses. Always ask your oncologist or specialist nurse before having hypnotherapy. I also specialise in needle phobias and fear of medical procedures (sometimes colloquially called 'scanxiety')


I am the senior lecture in The Clinical Hypnotherapy School and I teach hypnotherapy for helping people with significant health challenges. 


What is it like being hypnotised?


Being hypnotised is when a hypnotherapist encourages you to go into a state of trance. It is rather similar to the feeling you have when you day dream. It is a relaxed state, where you are able to allow your conscious mind to wander, and your subconscious mind to focus on solving problems. We go in and out of trance many times a day- when you're driving your car on a familiar route, when you're out for a jog, when you're watching the TV. It is a daydreaming state where your thoughts focus on something other than what is in front of you.



Will I still be in control?

Yes When you daydream in front of the TV and someone calls your name, or asks you a question, you are able to come out of trance and back to reality quickly and easily. The same is true of the trance on the hypnotherapist's couch.



How many sessions will I have?

We have an expression "as many as you need and not one more'. It's hard to say as people are so different. Smoking cessation is usually just one or two sessions and phobias are usually four sessions. Anxiety issues may be longer, but you are the best judge of how may session you need.


Can Anyone Be Hypnotised?

If you have an imagination and can daydream then usually yes. Around 70% of people are hypnotisable. People with some psychiatric diagnoses may not find hypnotherapy suitable. You will need to speak the same language as your hypnotherapist too. At North Cardiff we offer hypnotherapy in English. If you require another language we will do our best to find you another hypnotherapy practice that can help you. Please contact us for further details on any of the above.


Rewind Therapy 

This is two or three sessions, both for phobias, trauma and PTSD. 


Will I have to talk about my trauma? 

No, this technique is sometimes called 'closure without disclosure' . It is a fairly straightforward technique that is easy to learn and research shows that the results are enduring.  Please do have a look on the IARTT website for more information. 


Solution Focused Brief Therapy 

What does 'solution focused' mean? ​

This means that we will work together to construct solutions that work for you as an individual. It is less about the problem or issue and more about how we can identifiy your strengths and resources to find your preferred future. 


Will I need to tell my GP I am seeing a therapist?

My advice is to always consult your doctor before having any complementary therapy, including hypnotherapy. ​


What Does it Cost?

Sessions are £70 and last for around 50 minutes. 


What if I need to cancel my appointment?

Please let us know as soon as you can, we always try to be flexible and understanding. A very late cancellation may incur a fifteen pound booking fee.​​​


Can Children Have Hypnotherapy?

Yes they can. I do our very best to make the appointments fun for children and teens. Please ask to see my DBS clearance. I do require the parent or guardian to come to the appointments and to sign a consent form.

Any Questions?

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© 2021 Dorothea Read

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